Posts in Female Leadership
The Art of Integration with Lindsey Rainwater

A few months back I had the distinct honor of being on the Fitness Career Mastery Podcast with Barry Ennis and Shay Kostabi. They are two fabulously talented people that are supporting fitness professionals all over the world to excel in their business’s. Check out the interview, how do you integrate?

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

• How to integrate the things that are most important to you into everything that you do

• Create an abundance of time in your day

• What to do when you’re feeling “out of balance”

Here’s the Complete List of Tips:

(11:30) What is the art of integration?

How to decide what is important to you, including what is “important” versus “urgent”, how to these priorities into 3-5 buckets, and then how to integrate the most important things to you into everything that you do.

(17:30) Incorporating integration into your life

Take all of the tasks that you have to get done in the day. Create your matrix of time, and quadrants of “what has to happen today”, “what is just as important but can be fulfilled later”, “what is not urgent and not important” “what is not important at all”. Take the tasks, and put them into each of those categories, and then calendar your day from there. Consider creating different calendars for each of your “buckets”.

(23:30) When you feel you “don’t have time”

Einstein time versus Newtonian time. The concept of Einstein time grows with the things that you feel a profound “yes” to. If you’re out of integrity with the things that you’re doing, you’ll never have enough time for the things you don’t want to do. So if you’re doing things that you don’t want to do, you will have a very hard time finding time to do everything.

(31:00) Make good on your commitments even if the pan falls through 

(34:00) If you feel that you’re “out of balance”

It’s possible that you’ve lost momentum on the things that are very important to you, even if they don’t feel as fulfilling at this moment in time. Perhaps you get a huge adrenaline rush or dopamine release from doing things for your new business. Are you choosing that rush over other things in your life that are equally important to you?

(40:20) How to go from big picture to day to day

How do you go from being a helicopter in the air looking down at your life to things like making dinner.

(48:30) How to manage compromise on your core values

(50:30) What the Women in Fitness Association is all about

 References in the Episode:

The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

Lindsey’s Blog

“As we enter a new year and decade, it’s natural to not only go into a state of reflection over the last year (and decade) and also start thinking ahead to all the things you want to do differently and accomplish moving forward. Sometimes those to-do lists can get so long that we wind up feeling overwhelmed before we even get started, and often when we do start getting after it, we soon find ourselves feeling out of balance with what we value the most.

That’s why we brought on Lindsey Rainwater to speak to us not about finding balance, but something even better- learning how to integrate the things that we value most into everything that we do, and ensure that we’re spending our time in the most effective way day in and day out, so we can quickly reach those big scary goals that we’ve set for ourselves.”


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All of this magical content can be found on the Fitness Career Mastery Website, please support them, they are wonderful at what they do!

Lindsey Rainwater is a sought-after business advisor, founder, writer & keynote speaker to the fitness and wellness industry.

Why Now is the Time to Get Involved; FitPosium Podcast Interview

Thank you FitPosium for the podcast interview, if you have not heard of them, checkout the podcast and their event later this year!

The below text is from the Fitposium website, original link here:


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Our latest podcast features our interview with Lindsey Rainwater who is the founder and CEO of the Women in Fitness Association. WIFA is a non-profit organization that exists to support women of all ages and races to succeed both professionally and personally within the fitness industry.


The vision of WIFA is that every woman professionally representing the fitness industry can find her place and rise to her fullest potential! Their aim is to see more women in the board room, championing each other to achieve, sharing success through collaboration.

This interview discusses the benefit of professional trade organizations, why it is important to get involved and how one can get the most out of their membership.

For more information on WIFA please visit or on instagram @wifassociation

Fore more details on FITposium please visit

Please share this podcast with your tribe, leave us a review and comment on the Apple Podcast App and follow FITposium on Instagram @FITposium – or if you want more articles and information on our events, please visit

Thank you for tuning in!

Lindsey Rainwater, also known as Lindsey RainH2O, is a sought-after business advisor, founder, writer & keynote speaker to the fitness and wellness industry.  For more information about Rainwater, follow her on social at @LindseyRainH2o

Aspire Higher Podcast

I was fortunate to get to sit down with Dave Glaser, founder of Fit Life Champions and talk about all the things, purpose, my current projects, how I started in the fitness industry and so much more! Click play below and listen while you’re working today.

Towards the end of the podcast I share about my newest project, the C3 Program , our next launch date is November 6, 2018, click here to learn more: .

Thank you Dave for the opportunity to chat with you. Dave is an incredible business leader in the Fitness world virtually and in the Denver area, click here to learn about his business, and if you are a person wanting accountability and support in your fitness training, he is pure magic! Thank you again for the opportunity, Dave. Enjoy the podcast and if you’d like to get in touch with me, click here.

Lindsey Rainwater, also known as Lindsey RainH2O, is a sought-after business advisor, Founder, writer & keynote speaker to the fitness and wellness industry.  For more information about Rainwater, follow her on Twitter @LindseyRainH2o

Now & Then (1).png

The other day I was talking with a dear friend about perspective and what time and experience offers us in the journey that is life... Talk about a broad and generalized statement... I know, and, isn't it everything?

Never could I have known what  I do now, about being a mother, until I became a mother.  Simple yet a profound reality.

For anyone that knows me you could attest to the fact that I have always set a very high bar for myself, and with that comes the nagging reality that it can be very difficult for me to not project those same standards onto others.  

I remember reading through content and making judgments about seeing other bloggers have a lapses in time between content, I get it now.  My perspective now is that I am in the new context of mother and business owner, is one of empathy.  

Empathy for myself, for others, and a true “pause and reflect” when I consider others reasoning for their behaviors.  

Looking at myself here, on my blog, and I have not blogged for months! Months! I can hardly stand it.. and, I am fully committed to taking one day at a time and doing what a can each day.  (Easier said than done?!)

With all that being said, I felt compelled to go back through the blogs I wrote this time last year, pre-birth of my son, to see how my perspective has changed, the narrative is below:  

Here is my response to my own ideas, one childbirth, one association birth, and, many many fewer hours of sleep, later. 


“My husband and I will be expecting our first born in mid July of this year.  What a journey it had been the past 5+ months! My experience of being pregnant has naturally brought up all kinds of feelings and thoughts, and what I really want to share here is the transformational minded thoughts and ideas I am experiencing while moving towards this life change.”


 I really appreciate my thoughtfulness and the intention I brought to my own personal preparation of having a child.  That thoughtfulness has definitely paid off in the realm of having ideas and intentions to create the most meaningful home experiences for Oliver, My husband and I.  With that being said, I wish it was as eloquent as I described it above.. it is not, lol.  Everyday is different, everyday brings new challenges and most nights I fall asleep while having a conversation with my husband, it isn't perfect and, I love every single minute of it. 


"The societal pressures and models out there leave something to be desired, at least for me, and I've found my current position on the topic to be "make it up", create a way, a new method and then see if it works! "


Absolutely true! And not easy! choosing to create a life that is not typical is not easy, and, I have come to realize that if you want to create something totally different for yourself, you totally can.  I don't subscribe to the idea that women have to choose between work and motherhood, and, I don't think it's about taking your kids to the office, there are other options that can be fulfilling... it is all about choices.  These choices have been THE hardest ones of my life, I give a shit, big time, about being wtih my son, impacting the business I have created and supporting WIFA... with that love for all of those people comes choices, I am doing my best day by day!  And, If anyone wants to ever chat about how they have naviagted these waters, I am all ears!


"Tony Robbins and others talk about ideas like "integration" instead of balance, for people like myself that are deeply passionate about their work and friendships, then it becomes less about choosing and more about integrating." 


I wish balance was a thing... ha! I personally think that's a racket... choices however, that is absolutely a thing that you can have control over... where does your time in a day go and how does it align with your circumstances. 


As I like to say, "who you are at the kitchen table is who you are at work"... my kitchen table is about to be set for 3, and I am anticipating the adventure of how that will propel me to be even better and have more to offer in every area of my life. 


It most certainly is set for 3, my 10 month old son eats more than me! Funny, and, he has a brilliant appetite.  I was telling a mentor the other day that my experience of myself as a mother is one of profound confidence that comes from a place of knowing and believing in myself and what I have to offer the world.  The fierce love that comes with becoming a mother is one that I have never felt before, it changed me over night, and I am forever grateful to Oliver for the transformational quality of "no more BS" that came with becoming his mother.  My ability to be discerning in my work, my relationship and all the communities I am a part of is so profound and impactful, what a gift motherhood truly is!


Have you had a life change that you have gone through that created the space for you to pause, reflect and adjust your sails? I would love to hear about it, it's through community that we can all grow near and use the blessing of empathy to show each other what's possible. 

Lindsey Rainwater, also known as Lindsey RainH2O, is a sought-after business advisor, Founder, writer & keynote speaker to the fitness and wellness industry.  For more information about Rainwater, follow her on Twitter @LindseyRainH2o

The Story of The Women in Fitness Association
The Women in Fitness Association exists to create opportunity for Women, to give them a voice in the fitness industry and create opportunity for any woman interested in growing her career.
— Lindsey Rainwater

This past year something super exciting happened, and is very near and dear to my heart, a movement that is absolutely going to change the face of the fitness industry and welcome in a whole new wave of female leadership.  

The Story...

Last year, I attended the women in leadership summit at IHRSA, the experience created at the summit was like no other I’d had the chance to be a part of in our industry.  Being in a room full of brilliant women in support of our industry was like a deep exhale, a complete breath of fresh air and I didn’t want it to end.  Upon returning home after a fabulous week of  making new connections and seeing old friends, I came home with the desire to feel what I felt in that room at the summit.  I wanted a place where there was easy access to female mentors and a tight knit group of women to regularly collaborate with, I began my search to find a group that offered this kind of support, exclusively for women.  Once I realized it didn't exist, I knew what needed to happen next.

The rest is history... 

The Women in Fitness Association opened for membership May 31 of 2017 and by September we had formed a board of directors, bylaws, not for profit status, and over 60 women as associate members with global representation and corporate sponsorship. To date, we have over 80 members, three corporate sponsors, two meetings under our belts, serving over 200 women in total and an event planned to take place in San Diego the week of IHRSA. 

Not a day goes by that I am not daydreaming about what WIFA can and will become.  I think about all the women I know that want to run companies and be mothers and love travel, I am so excited that we’ve created a place to collaborate about how to accomplish that and so much more! 

None of this could have happened if I did not have an army of women supporting me in this endeavor! Our board of directors and founding members have carried our success through word of mouth and trust and belief in what we are doing.  Their brilliance and desire to lift women up to reach their fullest potential is humbling and truly exciting to be a part of. 

If you have not checked out the Women in Fitness Association, go to the website to see our upcoming events and ways to join.  I look forward to this being the beginning of something absolutely wonderful,

I am incredibly grateful for my mentors that said "why not, just do it", their ability to see what I was capable of before I could is what aided in my taking this leap of faith.  Thank you. 

Lindsey Rainwater, also known as Lindsey RainH2O, is a sought-after business advisor, Founder, writer & keynote speaker to the fitness and wellness industry.  For more information about Rainwater, follow her on Twitter@LindseyRainH2O