Posts tagged integration
Give Birth to New Opportunities

Collaboration, the action of working with someone to produce or create something. Something new that’s never been there before! Read that again, new! Brand new, couldn’t have been there before. When we work together something gets the opportunity to be birthed that was not there before. Don’t believe the lie that you have to hoard or hold on without sharing your accomplishments, totally the opposite! When you share your wins and collaborate, you give way to something brand new, that could have never been there before. Therefore making MORE for everyone. So next time you score a win, a new opportunity, look around, who can you take with you across the finish line? What first win can you give away to someone else? #womenhelpingwomen #collab #collaboration #makenewopportunities #wifa #wifawomen #womeninbusiness #womeninfitness

Lindsey Rainwater is an experienced business advisor, executive coach and the founder of The Women in Fitness Association (WIFA). WIFA is the global association supporting women in their career trajectory helping them rise to their fullest potential in business and life. She is known for her work advising businesses, her original published content, additionally supporting individuals in transformational change and leadership development. Her intention is to help individuals and organizations enjoy necessary change in order to succeed.

The Art of Integration with Lindsey Rainwater

A few months back I had the distinct honor of being on the Fitness Career Mastery Podcast with Barry Ennis and Shay Kostabi. They are two fabulously talented people that are supporting fitness professionals all over the world to excel in their business’s. Check out the interview, how do you integrate?

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

• How to integrate the things that are most important to you into everything that you do

• Create an abundance of time in your day

• What to do when you’re feeling “out of balance”

Here’s the Complete List of Tips:

(11:30) What is the art of integration?

How to decide what is important to you, including what is “important” versus “urgent”, how to these priorities into 3-5 buckets, and then how to integrate the most important things to you into everything that you do.

(17:30) Incorporating integration into your life

Take all of the tasks that you have to get done in the day. Create your matrix of time, and quadrants of “what has to happen today”, “what is just as important but can be fulfilled later”, “what is not urgent and not important” “what is not important at all”. Take the tasks, and put them into each of those categories, and then calendar your day from there. Consider creating different calendars for each of your “buckets”.

(23:30) When you feel you “don’t have time”

Einstein time versus Newtonian time. The concept of Einstein time grows with the things that you feel a profound “yes” to. If you’re out of integrity with the things that you’re doing, you’ll never have enough time for the things you don’t want to do. So if you’re doing things that you don’t want to do, you will have a very hard time finding time to do everything.

(31:00) Make good on your commitments even if the pan falls through 

(34:00) If you feel that you’re “out of balance”

It’s possible that you’ve lost momentum on the things that are very important to you, even if they don’t feel as fulfilling at this moment in time. Perhaps you get a huge adrenaline rush or dopamine release from doing things for your new business. Are you choosing that rush over other things in your life that are equally important to you?

(40:20) How to go from big picture to day to day

How do you go from being a helicopter in the air looking down at your life to things like making dinner.

(48:30) How to manage compromise on your core values

(50:30) What the Women in Fitness Association is all about

 References in the Episode:

The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

Lindsey’s Blog

“As we enter a new year and decade, it’s natural to not only go into a state of reflection over the last year (and decade) and also start thinking ahead to all the things you want to do differently and accomplish moving forward. Sometimes those to-do lists can get so long that we wind up feeling overwhelmed before we even get started, and often when we do start getting after it, we soon find ourselves feeling out of balance with what we value the most.

That’s why we brought on Lindsey Rainwater to speak to us not about finding balance, but something even better- learning how to integrate the things that we value most into everything that we do, and ensure that we’re spending our time in the most effective way day in and day out, so we can quickly reach those big scary goals that we’ve set for ourselves.”


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All of this magical content can be found on the Fitness Career Mastery Website, please support them, they are wonderful at what they do!

Lindsey Rainwater is a sought-after business advisor, founder, writer & keynote speaker to the fitness and wellness industry.

How the Future of Work Can Inform Life Integration Choices
Lindsey Rainwater, Photo taken by From the HIp Phtoto, March 2017 

Lindsey Rainwater, Photo taken by From the HIp Phtoto, March 2017 

Tony Robbins and others talk about ideas like "integration" instead of balance, for people like myself that are deeply passionate about their work and friendships, then it becomes less about choosing and more about integrating.  I often hear people say, "I don't act that way at work" or "in my personal life", statements like this rattle me! It is impossible to fragment yourself in that way. Sure, we can all perform certain tasks or deliver on objectives but who we are all bleeds together, you are a whole person everywhere you go and if "part of you" is not at the party, well, everyone including you is suffering. As I like to say, "who you are at the kitchen table is who you are at work"... my kitchen table is about to be set for 3, and I am anticipating the adventure of how that will propel me to be even better and have more to offer in every area of my life.

The above quote is from my last article "the Context of Integration" if you missed it, check it out to inform my context for this blog... see how I did that? :)  My intention is to focus this blog post on all things integration, now that we have some context around why I am talking about integration on a whole new level, let's chat about how the future of work "mentality" can inform a schedule or ideals for living.

Now as a disclaimer,  I am writing on these topics and speculating amidst my journey being pregnant, nothing I share has been vetted by myself as a parent, yet. So I am sure those of you that are parents already have informed opinions about what I am writing about based on experiences you've had, so please join in the conversation! It will be really great to see if my intentions and ideals line up with reality, only time will tell ;-)

Back to "The future of work" idea... what is this concept all about anyway? It certainly is a heavy buzz phrase being used and I do have my own opinion on the topic and there is of course always also what google has to say.  

The Future of work is a lot of things to a lot of people based on their motivation and topic they are relating it to, and, for the purpose of our discussion lets keep it simple;  if you distill down the concepts it boils down to what is possible relating to work, because of technology.   For instance, growing up, my Dad was an Engineer, he "went to work" everyday, to an office where his computer and the people he collaborated with also went, to do his job, returning home each evening leaving all the things required to "do his job", there at the office.  Now, if my Dad did that exact same job today, he could work 100% remote, from anywhere in the world.  Thanks to laptops, iPhones, and video conferencing a role like his could be done completely outside of the construct of a company occupying an office space etc.  

With that flexibility all sorts of freedoms become available, he could have easily taken a lunch break at home, taken a 30 minute break to do the afternoon carpool pick up, and really allowed for a completely different co-parenting arrangement than what I grew up with.  My Mom would have had the flexibility during the day having him home, and arguably, he would have gotten the same (if not more) work done with less the typical office distractions.  The idea of co-parenting becomes more liberated when you add in "future of work" concepts because lines are blurred, it is no longer a linear process of "we all leave the house, we all come back to the house" but instead, the home becomes a hub  and off site offices or daycare becomes less necessary.  

An important note to add here is that remote work requires many upstanding character traits both for the employee and the employer.  I am not saying this transition from office to home can happen over night, however with the right culture and values in place, anything is possible when seen through the lens of abundance.  The good news is if the organization and it's employees can take on the venture, the concept of the future of work can really liberate our existing "jobs" and create new dynamics that disrupt the old styles and models of work.

One of my favorite ideas that is found inside of this same notion is that of "jobs" no longer existing and instead collaboration or aligned talent becomes the new way.  Think freelancing, but at signifiant scale.  However, that is another blog for another time, coming back to the topic... what is most important here is the idea that IF we are working in collaboration, with location freedom, the opportunities to get extremely creative with integration becomes completely available to anyone that wants to try it out. 

In 2011 my mentor and friend, Bryan O'Rourke suggested I read a book called the 4 hour work week, I did and now I am going to suggest that you, go read that book if have not before!  That book planted a very important idea in my mind that has since collided with other similar ideas and helped inform many of my day to day decisions.  I realized after reading that book that my choices, what I as spending time on, was completely up to me, and my evaluation of how I did certain activities was also, up to me.  I (nor anyone else) is at "the effect" of any choices, you at some point, made a choice that is contributing to what is your current reality.  So if you are doing something and want to be doing something else, make a new choice.  For instance, would you rather spend an extra two hours per weekend with your spouse instead of cleaning your house, well, outsource that chore to a person that likes cleaning and pay them to clean your house, get that time back.  Feel like you can't afford that? How much did you spend at Amazon or at Starbucks today? The money is usually there if you look for it.  That is one example, but I really started asking myself questions about my time, where I spent it, was it really creating the results I wanted and how could I change if it wasn't? 

A good place to start would be to take an inventory of what you are currently spending time on.  Just like analyzing your bank account transactions to assess where your money is going, assessing what you spend time in is a very similar activity.  Are you committed to suffering or thriving? wasting time or creating time?  All of these choices are yours for the taking. 

A good way to do this is print out a by the hour calendar, or use a digital daily view and write in each day, then for the week what you are doing and for how long, don't lie, you will only cheat yourself if you do.  Once you have done this "reverse" calendaring of sorts, start to look at what you spend time doing and for how long, create groups, rank them, include sleep, tv time, time with loved ones, gym activities... record everything you do... how long does it take you to get ready in the morning etc.  After you have inventoried your time, take a good look at the facts about what you are spending time on and only when ready,  ask yourself these two vital questions.  

Do you actually want to create time to integrate new and exciting endeavors? 

Do you want to experience thriving or have you created a life of suffering to keep you safe?

Part of this mind shift is giving up any notion of martyrdom or complaining, sure life can be hard, but talking about what you don't enjoy less action will no longer work once you know the facts about your time spending habits. 

Once you know the answer to your question, if you are willing to integrate thriving into your life, the future of work becomes a concept that is totally obvious and easy to consider. 

In my world, all of these activities and concepts combined by a very realistic (almost obsessive) knowledge of where my time goes, is really informing how I am planning to integrate being a mother, my work in the world and all of my favorite relationships into one big pot of Lindsey Rainh2o, soup! 

Commitment, choice and intention.  Every single day can be filled with work helping others, time with those you love and time investing in yourself.  Although, becoming a mother is the largest integration I have ever imagined, I do believe that rather than thinking I can "do it all", whatever that means, instead, I get to choose from a place of choice.  I choose now and plan to continue to choose to create time each day to do the things I really love doing and that mindset, I believe will contribute to informing how I co author the next chapter of my life integration. 

Lindsey Rainwater, also known as Lindsey RainH2O, is a sought-after business consultant, leadership coach, writer and presenter to the fitness and wellness industry. For more information about Rainwater, follow her on Twitter@LindseyRainH2O