Posts tagged transformation
It is time.
photo taken by Shelby Perez

photo taken by Shelby Perez

Some days, I sit still enough that I feel all the way from my toes to my nose how lucky I am.

I will never forget the first time I felt the full body tingles of empathy, seeing another person, and watching them, and my ability to try on their life and then love them from that place.

Today, I know this is my superpower. Today I know this informs my purpose for being on this planet.

I have been given the magical blessing of creating and fulfilling my purpose by helping women reach their desired ultimate potential. The past year, more than any other year I have been pressed, asked by the universe by way of circumstance if this is what I really want, am I really up for it?

I can tell you with certainty, I am.

I exist to hold space for transformational change, and I have been blessed with a couple of really powerful vehicles to get that work done.

You see, the way it is, is fucked. We have a tremendous amount of work to do.

Women leaving the workforce because they can not create a childcare solution that allows them to have harmony with their work and their families.

Women being paid inadequately for their work.

Women managing households, companies and themselves with zero support.

Women being passed over because of the color of their skin.

I say ENOUGH. It is time to radically uproot and change the context, I for one am done with a working world that forces us to forget we have children for 8 hours of the day. I am done with women being paid less than their worth, I am done with my sisters being passed over because of racial injustices.


Ladies, it is time. It has been time, we are ushering in a new calendar year, a new space, a new era that NEEDS our energy. Not our best masculine impression of being a woman, no no, our BEST as WOMXN.

Our innate female traits, our female energy that has been suppressed and redirected, it is time to harness those superpowers and change the world.

I see you, I love you, let’s do this.

Lindsey Rainwater is an experienced business advisor, executive coach and the founder of The Women in Fitness Association (WIFA). WIFA is the global association supporting women in their career trajectory helping them rise to their fullest potential in business and life. She is known for her work advising businesses, her original published content, additionally supporting individuals in transformational change and leadership development. Her intention is to help individuals and organizations enjoy necessary change in order to succeed.

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Organizational Agility and Lasting Change
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Recently I had the opportunity to chat with Chantal Brodrick, the brilliant voice behind the Fitness Business Podcast.  Her and I chatted about a number of things including the work I am so grateful to get to do each day.  

In the transcript below you will see a portion of our interview and my thoughts on change, and why for so many people and organizations change can be painful.

The Fitness Business Podcast; click below to listen to the whole interview. 

Chantal :

Now, Lindsey, you actually, in your role within the industry, you help people and you help organizations enjoy transformational change. Can you explain to us what is the most common example of a major organizational change that a fitness facility might actually experience?

Lindsey :              

Mm-hmm (affirmative), absolutely. Well, so transformational change, to me, doesn’t mean you have to be okay with it per se, but really grappling with this idea that we’re all in constant motion. The idea that things will be the same for any period of time is a myth, and that the more rooted in reality we are with an ideal plan, the more successful we can be.

So when I think about a lot of the … whether it’s the fitness organizations that sell equipment, or education, you know the clients that I work with, and also the health clubs that they serve, I think that change is the theme that we see the most, that people have a hard time confronting, because it’s such … Our consumers, today’s consumer, the fitness consumer that’s coming into the club, or even the club operator that’s consulting with an equipment provider, because of the digital era, and how fast things are changing, it’s really less about knowing the right answers. It’s more about being agile enough to open your mind to not knowing everything, but knowing the right questions to ask.

So in a lot of the work that I do, it’s focusing on agility, and how can health clubs, how can the people supporting our industry think about today’s consumer, and how their life is radically changing on a regular basis, and how to support that. So whether it’s systems implementation, to organize people within the club, whether it’s the companies implementing strategy to support what’s coming next.

I think what’s a big part of our health clubs is if I can order up, on Amazon Prime, all my groceries, and have them delivered, and that’s the consumer experience I have through Amazon, if my health club doesn’t have similar features and functions in the way that I check into the club, then there’s going to be a miss, and the consumers are going to start to lose faith in our industry if we’re not up with it.

Those kinds of changes are a lot of the things that I help fitness facilities think about, and then help providers also consider.

Agility, change and ability to adapt the cornerstone's of change management and what it can take to create lasting change for both companies and people. 

What do you think, are you or your team undergoing a large change? What do you find the most difficult aspect of this process? 

Lindsey Rainwater, also known as Lindsey RainH2O, is a sought-after business advisor, Founder, writer & keynote speaker to the fitness and wellness industry.  For more information about Rainwater, follow her on Twitter @LindseyRainH2o