A New Context for Sales; Welcome to the World of Business Development

The past month I have been "un packing" the idea that sales people, in the way we have come to see them has evolved to a new role, one of business development.  Before I dive into the next phase of being (or becoming) a business development professional, I want to emphasize the importance of these fundamental shifts in thinking about the role differences. 

My belief is that the role of "sales" is evolving into the role of business development. I whole heartedly believe that people have reached a place of not being able to be sold, and as a result are requiring much more from the people guiding or weighing in on their buying cycle.   

Today's buyer is savvy, smart and has a computer, in their pocket!  These facts are the ones that beg of anyone that considers themselves in a sales position to dramatically change their perspective.  The entire context of the customer/ buyer relationships has shifted and the future is about being a well positioned resource for your potential customer.

Below are the topics I have covered in the past 5 weeks, click on the text to see the article:

I for one am in total celebration of this shift in thinking and it is one that requires from us a complete over haul in thinking.  Seeing the world as an opportunist and creator, thriving relationships and met needs. 

What do you think about this paradigm shift? Do you think the role of old school sales tactics is a thing of the past?

This topic is one that really excites me, if you would like to chat about it, Click here to IM me and start a conversation! 

Lindsey Rainwater, also known as Lindsey RainH2O, is a sought-after business consultant, leadership coach, writer and presenter to the fitness and wellness industry. For more information about Rainwater, follow her on Twitter@LindseyRainH2O