Value your Values


This morning while setting my intentions for the day, I closed my eye and asked for a word of the day... and let me just say for anyone feeling like they don’t have time to do this sort of thing, for me, this happens sometime between popping my contacts in and changing overnight diapers! Certainly not a lotus position type of activity... anyway... the word that came to me today was VALUE. The value I am to my world and also the VALUES I hold dearly to guide my contribution. One of my consistent struggles this year is my ability to remain focused on my value instead of latching on to what is going on and letting that define me. Each day I do my best to set my sights on what I think of as “my big 5”, and each day I contribute to those “buckets”, my values are rooted in these 5 categories and if every day I am adding value to each bucket, I know I’m on track instead of being led by whatever else has my attention. It takes a great deal of mental and spiritual discipline to do this, it took work years ago defining those 5, and, now that they’re deeply rooted, I can come home to those values daily... it’s worth the work, I promise. How are you doing? Feeling scattered or value centered? My intention today in posting is to add value to your life by sharing mine🖤

Lindsey RainwaterComment