Posts tagged balance
From the inside out.

External and internal satisfaction.

What are you searching for externally that you could be providing for yourself internally?

One of my favorite topics is the concept of circumstance based living and analyzing how allowing the external frame work of our lives to dictate our internal happiness.  

I know what you are thinking, Lindsey, how does this relate to my fitness business? or operations of my health club? well let me tell you my thoughts on the topic:

Are you a human? then the application is simple and can be applied to the internal framework of not only yourself but your business and employees. 

In my opinion, we have to work on ourselves first and foremost and not look to outside validation, then turn outwardly to be able to help others.  Starting from within allows us to best serve others.  So really, no matter what you do professionally this applies because you are always you!  At work, with friends, with your family etc. 

A few thoughts from my own life to reflect inwardly on a daily basis.  

1. Set your intentions for each day and bring them back into focus throughout the day.  When you have a clear idea in mind of what you want to accomplish and re visit those things regardless of outside distractions you will have a better chance at fulfilling an internal peace of mind vs. getting caught up in the external noise.

2. Learn to quiet your mind.  I have this little trick I do if I feel myself getting out of touch or distracted.  I close my eyes, and count to 5, each breath is one count and I don't let my mind wander, I focus on one thing, usually the color white as I inhale a exhale.  When I open my eyes all the external clutter is much calmer and I am able to move forward clear of mind. 

3. Do something for yourself every day.  I know this sounds so simple, I find most people live in service to others seeking validation through their responses vs. fulfilling your internal needs first.  When in all reality, if you give yourself at least 1/24 hours of the day, you will find the other hours can be spent truly listing and helping. If exercise is your thing that is just for you, make sure you give yourself that hour. For me reading really recharges me, if I spend one hour a day reading, 30 minutes in the morning and 30 at night, I feel far more available to life than I do when I don't.  Finding something of true value to your core and living that out for one full hour can truly quiet your thinking.

I love that in our industry, we are all after the same goal... healthy living.  Whether we provide the environment to get fit,  teach others to eat better, advise, listen, counsel or protrey, the intention of our industry is to motivate people to take care of themselves. So take some time this week to focus on the very things we all teach, but apply them inwardly to yourself. 

Please tell me, Lindsey Rainwater how you stay balanced yourself and then provide that same experience to those you serve.