Money Freedom!


“Believe that you are worthy of financial freedom. Do something you love and then all you ever have to do is be yourself to succeed. If you sell something you love, then you just sell love, not a specific product or service, and that will show.” ― Jen Sincero,

What a beautiful quote, a few years back I read the book, You Are a Badass at Making Money by @jensincero and it was an eye opener for me! I had started down the path a few years before that doing work around changing my money dialogue internally, reprogramming from my childhood ideas and inventing my own relationship to money. Here’s what I can share, keep looking for ways to enhance your own definitions around your feelings towards money. Learn about your internal blind spots that could be holding you back. I have learned some and continue to learn more all the time. The journey of learning on this topic is never done, my experience had been I always have something new to learn and it starts with my internal relationship to curiosity and learning.

📸 @shelfranciscreative @chevy_john